Saturday, August 4, 2007


I have had requests to include a picture of Daniel other than his pictures of when he was a young.
I did not realize that I had done that, I was thinking that Daniels website included many of him as he was in his grown up years. So here is one that I'd feature on his web-page that pretty will shows Daniels personality.
That smile you see along with his wit was his trademark.
Dan loved the Simpson t.v. programs, when his day didn't go so well and he was down in spirits, when the Simpson's came on, He was back to the Daniel you see here. He would have loved to have been able to see the new movie. With his studies in computer animation
it would have met so much more to him.
This is the picture of Dan! And I'll share with you others in the future.
Daniel Scholarship Fund is up and running. Thank you for your interest and sharing some of Daniels memories with me. Robert Lynch.. Dans proud Father.

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