Thursday, June 21, 2007

Daniels Story

This is about a young boy who discovered the wonderful world of Art when he was eight years old. Danny lived on a farm in Missouri and loved all the animals; the cows the deer, the turkeys, but one little critter really caught his fancy. A fox had a den in one of the ledge cliffs and Dan would watch the mommy fox go in and out of her den. One day, Dan was looking at the local newspaper and there was an announcement that a local Missouri artist was going to have a showing. In the article was a beautiful painting of a fox, it was a picture of "his" fox on his farm. He wanted to go and see that picture. The gallery was about an hour from the farm. The family packed up and made the journey. Into the small gallery he ran and there was the picture of "his" fox.

Looking around the gallery at all the wildlife pictures brought a smile on his face. The artist, Mr. Al Agnew, talked with Dan and answered his questions. Dan asked his Mom and Dad if he could buy the picture of "his" fox. Daniel purchased the artist proof of "his" fox and Mr. Agnew signed the picture on the back and wrote that in doing anything worthwhile requires much practice if you want to successful at what you are doing. Danny was all smiles and that experience and picture literally changed his life.

Many years later, found in his school papers was an assignment that Dan had written. The form type questionnaire asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Danny's answer was, "An artist and a good golfer like my big brother." From that time on, Dan drew and drew, his talent was questionable at times, but he never lost his love of drawing.

Thank you for visiting Daniel's story. Hope you come back to Daniel's "Rest of the Story."

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