Sunday, April 26, 2015

Daniels Bronze


             Daniel's Bronze is complete. For those who have been following this blog know the details of his Bronze. The end detail of his Bronze is to be a life sized sculptor , available for
inside or outside an Art Museum or Gallery.

This table model of the Bronze is so the request for a sculptor rendering can be forwarded to
the museums requesting the rendering. This Bronze is a TOP QUALITY hand crafted , not a
cheap overseas production fabrication.

A fund raiser program is being considered for a product of the miniature Bronze being available
for purchase. The profit from these Bronze will be used for the Life sized  and for Daniel's DRL
Art Education and Scholarship Program. This project is just in the planning stages and will be
a while until available . Hopefully it wont be as long as this miniature  Bronze has taken.

When the Bronze fund raiser is ready, it will be noted here and details will posted.

The quality of this miniature bronze is above average and would be a quality item for any 
Company to have with-in their facility .

I'll keep this post brief and go into much more depth when the bronze fund raiser is finished.
Daniel's DRL Art Education and Scholarship Program is doing a very impressive job for art
education and individual scholarships. It's in it's ninth year and has given 100's of Art
teacher grants and to -date 18 individual scholarship for the winner to attend a College or
University of their choice For you who are not aware of Dainel's DRL Art Program please
visit ( Art Program ) and 

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