Watch out Big Brother !
One of Dan's personality traits was his ability to enjoy life... He was a very lay-back type of person who never raised his voice, his
temperament was calm, his demeanor was always in control. He loved to tease his friends, always playing jokes or tricks. Dan's wit and smile were his trademark. Dan had an ability to think outside the box. Many times in a discussion about a subject, he would bring out a logic that was astounding and would greatly add to the overall topic. Another of Dan's traits was to not let discussions get into arguments. He would let you have your point of view, he would consider all sides and come to his own conclusion, usually it was the correct one.
In all of Daniel's short 24 years, I never saw him mad. Sure, he would get upset, but I never heard him raise his voice in anger, he was always in control. He truly had no prejudices. Dan had the uncommon ability to look at the inner person, not their nationality, social status, physical looks or appearance, but at the real person. He had a dislike for the phony, braggarts or the bully, he could read the real person, it was uncanny. The irony of Daniel's death was that he was attacked and killed by an illegal alien and Dan would have been the first person to be able to see and feel their plight.
By Daniel's smile you would know him.
Thanks for listening.